May the Wind Be Always at Your Back

Windows Phone

Since 2008 I have had the fortune to be a part of a fantastic and talented team here at Windows Central. It was an unexpected journey that began with a fledgling website, and is ending with the foremost authority on the Windows ecosystem. While I have enjoyed every second of this experience, it is time that I call it a day.

Over the years I have reviewed thousands of apps and games for Microsoft's mobile platform, gobs of accessories and even looked at a few phones along the way. I watched Windows Mobile transform into Windows Phone and back to Windows Mobile. From the days of cooking ROMs to nowadays, just hoping we have a Windows phone system available, it has been a fun and fascinating journey.

Treo 750

The journey began early on with my first Palm Pilot which transitioned to my first Windows Mobile phone, the Palm Treo 750. It's been fun watching the evolution of our Windows Phones move from the likes of the HTC Fuze to the current crop of Windows 10 Mobile phones.

While it's been fun to watch the technology advance, I've had the pleasure of meeting and working with amazing individuals and learned more about web publishing than I ever imagined I would. I need to thank Dieter Bohn, who is now leading the charge over at The Verge, for recruiting me to the website back when it was known as WMExperts.

Lumia 950 XL

As the sun sets on this amazing experience, I cannot say enough good things about the talented staff here at Windows Central and Mobile Nations. It has been an honor to have worked with Jez Corden, Richard Devine, Rich Edmonds, Mark Guim, Paul Acevedo, Zac Bowden and the countless others who have contributed to the site over the years. From the debates to the collaborations, I want to thank you guys for letting this old fart speak his mind and teaching him a few things along the way.

I want to thank Daniel Rubino for his friendship and guidance over the years. I have always appreciated Dan's skill at speaking his mind. It helped get me back on track and motivated me to do better. Kevin Michaluk, Phil Nickinson, Derek Kessler and Rene Ritchie also deserve big thanks for the guidance they have offered and for putting up with all my grumblings over the years. Our Managing Editor, Al Sacco hasn't been around for long but has done a great job managing the site and juggling the various personalities involved. His insight in technology and managing chaos will serve the site well. I'd also like to thank Marcus Adolfsson for bringing all of this together and his persistence to create what Mobile Nations is today.

Windows Phones

I've covered Windows phones from the beginning and feel the need to share some parting thoughts on the state of Microsoft's mobile environment. Windows Mobile always felt like a constant work in progress, but Microsoft started hitting the nail on the head with Windows 10 Mobile. It is easily the best mobile operating system, but Microsoft struggled to compete with the trendiness of iOS and the open source of Android.

I truly hope that after putting Windows 10 Mobile on the back-burner Microsoft finds a way to breathe new life into the OS later this year. Windows 10 Mobile completes the three-screen concept, and it's just too good of a design to let die on the vine. I'm in it for the long haul, but if Microsoft abandons phones, it may be the biggest mistake the company has ever made, with only the Kin or Windows Me coming in as second.

Working for the website has been a wild ride, and I would be remiss if I did not thank the readers. Windows Central has some of the most passionate, insane and dedicated readers around. Through your comments and tips, you guys also have taught me plenty over the years. I'm just hoping there aren't any typos in this lost post.

It's been fun!

Again, it has been a pleasure to have been associated with this incredible website and with this talented group. It is going to take some time to get accustomed to not facing any deadlines, and you'll still find me lurking in the forums. I think the hardest thing I have to figure out is what to do with all these phones.

See you in the Funny Papers!

Minecraft is the first game to cross over one trillion views on YouTube

A huge milestone

Minecraft is the first game to cross over one trillion views on YouTube

It's rarely disputed that Minecraft is one of the biggest and most successful games of all time, and now the creative survival sandbox title is collecting another milestone to back the claim up. YouTube and Mojang Studios both are celebrating Minecraft becoming the first video game with over one trillion combined views on the platform.

These laptops have bright screens great for outdoor use

Shine bright like a diamond

These laptops have bright screens great for outdoor use

Due to the never-ending war against sun glare, laptop developers have made their laptop screens brighter than ever in recent years. Here's a collection of some of our favorite laptops with bright displays.

May the Wind Be Always at Your Back


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