Things You Didnt Know About Donny Osmond

Nell has been an online writer for over nine years. Her articles focus on everything from science and spiritually to 1970s pop civilisation.

Donny Osmond

Donny Osmond

I Love Donny Osmond!

From the moment I first laid eyes on Donny Osmond, it was puppy love! I have such sweet memories of Donny. He was my showtime love (at that time, my merely love). Upwards until that signal, I didn't know what love was. I was just thirteen years former and, to me, boys were but boys and girls were just girls.

I remember the very showtime time I saw Donny on TV. That moment felt so romantic. I can all the same imagine it. I was sitting at the dinner table, roast beef, boiled potatoes, and carrots were on the plate in front of me. Those carrots were so orangish and red. They stand out in my listen.

Why? Because, I choked on the darn things! Donny was on, and when I turned effectually to sentry him sing, something strange happened to my body and listen. I felt like my tummy was dropping to my boots, my head felt hot and, in my mire (so to speak), I swallowed a carrot and information technology went down the incorrect way!

My mum jumped up and bashed me on the back. I retrieve flapping my easily at her to "Become out of the darn way!" If I was going to suffocate, and then at to the lowest degree let me see my honey! Ah, memories! Of class, from that moment on, he has influenced my choice of men. They were ever dark haired and slim. And so, in tribute to my first love, I present to you my favorite songs sung by Donny Osmond. Thank y'all, Donny!

Donny Osmond Songs From the 1970s

  • "Immature Love"—1973
  • "Puppy Dear"—1972
  • "Too Young"—1972
  • "When I Fall in Honey"—1973
  • "The Twelfth of Never"—1973
Donny Osmond

Donny Osmond

"Immature Dear"—1973

In 1973, Donny revived this 1956 hit. Originally written by Ric Carter and Carole Joyner, it was such a hit that it was covered many times over, by such singers as Sonny James and Tab Hunter, just to proper noun a few. That said, the 1973 version is the absolute best.

Young dearest (young dear), first love (first dear)

Filled with true devotion

Young love (young love), our dearest (our love)

Nosotros share with deep emotion

— Donny Osmond, "Young Love"

"Puppy Dear"—1972

Knowing my past, it'south obvious why I'd cull this vocal. Allow's face it, what I felt for Donny Osmond at that fourth dimension was pretty much the definition of puppy dear. I suppose you lot could say I had an enormous crush!

The song was first written past Paul Anka in 1960. He wrote the song for his love, Annette Funicello, who he was dating at that time. The love may not take lasted, simply the vocal has endured.

Someone, help me, assist me, help me delight

Is the reply up above

How tin I, oh how tin can I tell them

This is not a puppy honey

— Donny Osmond, "Puppy Love"

"As well Immature"—1972

Considering my teenage crush on Donny, this is another very appropriate vocal. I loved this one, as information technology seemed at the time equally though information technology were written for me and Donny! Ah, youth, so young and innocent, simply magical none the less.

Read More From Spinditty

Too Immature was the quaternary studio album by Donny Osmond. It was released in 1972. Both "Too Immature "and "Why" reached the top 20 on the Billboard charts. The album was certified gilt at the RIAA in 1973.

And all the same we're not too immature to know

This beloved will final though years may go

And then some 24-hour interval they may call back

Nosotros were not likewise immature at all

— Donny Osmond, "Too Young"

"A Time for United states of america"—1973

A Time For Us is the sixth studio album by Donny Osmond. Information technology reached the elevation 100 on the Billboard charts and was certified aureate in Jan 1974.

The vocal "A Fourth dimension for Us" was also the beloved theme of the film Romeo and Juliet (1968), which starred Olivia Hussey and Leonard Whiting. If you want to lookout any film adaptation of a Shakespeare play, then this is the one to watch. It is a fabulous film!

A fourth dimension for u.s. someday at that place'll be

When chains are torn by courage born of a dearest that'south free

A fourth dimension when dreams so long denied can flourish

Every bit we unveil the dear we now must hide

— Donny Osmond, "A Time for Us"

"When I Fall in Love"—1973

"When I Fall in Love" was written by Victor Young, who wrote the music, and Edward Hayman, who came upwardly with the wonderful lyrics (back in April of 1952). In fact, information technology was offset sung in the movie One Minute to Zilch, which starred Robert Mitchum and Ann Blythe. It'south one of my favorite Donny songs ever!

When I autumn in dearest it volition be forever

Or I'll never fall in dearest

In a restless world like this is

Honey is ended before it'southward begun.

— Donny Osmond, "When I Fall in Love"

"The Twelfth of Never"—1973

"The 12th of Never" was written and performed past Johnny Mathis. Information technology was released for the first time in 1957. Cliff Richard too recorded the record. The nearly popular and well-known version was, of course, recorded and sung by Donny Osmond in 1973.

This is my favorite of all Donny Osmond's records. The beginning time I heard it, I fell in love with the song. After all these years, it yet brings a tear to my eye to remember those days when I barbarous in love for the first time.

Y'all enquire me how much I need you

Must I explicate

I need you oh my darling

Similar roses need rain.

— Donny Osmond, "The Twelfth of Never"

Donny's Career Since So...

Then, what has Donny been doing since performing all of these famous songs? Well, for many years, Donny and his sis Marie have been performing together as a duo. He also starred every bit Joseph in the famous film adaptation of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, where he sung lead on the song "Coat of Many Colours." And, to acme off an already incredible career, he won Dancing with the Stars back in 2009.

He has likewise been known to host a few game shows in his time, such as Pyramid and The Keen American Dream Vote. Along with radio shows and musical theater, Donny is every bit successful today as he was back then as a teen. 1 of the reasons that Donny is however in the public eye is considering he has learned to adapt and modify. His music is different, more mellow, and he has embraced work in films and Goggle box. On height of that, he is withal as handsome as ever. Maybe not in that boyish cute kind of mode, but in a warm way, having that beautiful and friendly smiling.

Donny however has millions of fans all over the world (that includes me). I may exist an adult now, with many years on the clock, simply I still remember that first affluent of love when I looked beyond the room at the TV and idea, "Wow who is that boy?" It was that moment of heart-melting romance that lead me to met and marry a nighttime haired man.

Donny Osmond Today.

Donny Osmond Today.

This content is authentic and true to the best of the author's knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized communication from a qualified professional.

© 2016 Nell Rose

Nell Rose (author) from England on February 14, 2020:

Thanks Mary, me too!

Mary on Feb 13, 2020:

Yum! Love the article. Always loved him.

Brenda on January 22, 2020:

Hi Audrey,

I saw him on his GB tour a couple of years ago - I'd waited 40yrs to be lucky enough - and omg it was incredible! Information technology brought back memories and emotions that I had no idea where still in that location. He was my kickoff beloved as well. I really went back to being 13 once again. At one point he came into the audition to sing to a lady (I nearly wrote 'girl') who'due south altogether it was, and he was and so close to me that it felt like time had stopped. Crazy!

Nell Rose (author) from England on July 04, 2017:

LOL! Thanks Mary! yes that carrot incident was pretty bizarre to exist honest! but funny besides! loved him to $.25! thanks for reading, nell

Mary Wickison from Brazil on July 04, 2017:

When y'all look back, it is amazing to retrieve only how popular he was. With the Osmonds and the Jackson 5 competing for the summit boy bands.

He was a starting time love for many women our historic period. For me, information technology was Elvis, though.

I think Donny had terrible stage fright if I'm not mistaken.

Thanks for the trip down memory lane. I promise the carrot episode didn't stop yous eating them. LOL

Nell Rose (author) from England on April 06, 2017:

lol! oh how age defines us! LOL! thanks Solaras!

Barbara Fitzgerald from Georgia on April 05, 2017:

He has some sort of a home design and furnishings company with his wife now. I recall it'south called Osmond Design; I came across it on Wayfair lol.

Nell Rose (author) from England on Baronial 14, 2016:

HiyaPaula, lol! I fell in love with him over carrots and beef! LOL! never saw the Donny and Marie evidence, possibly i or ii? can't think. but yep watching him now is pretty weird! lol! always swell to meet yous Paula, nell

Suzie from Carson City on Baronial 14, 2016:

Nell....Donny Osmond!!?? Holy Moly girl, Zilch like a blast from the past. The Donny & Marie testify was very entertaining...."I'm a little flake country.......I'm a little bit rock northward roll".....Yep infant! They were such a cute blood brother & sister routine.

I was going to say exactly what Audrey said about Donny's amazing role in the Broadway Show, "Joseph & the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat."

BTW.....Marie looks like a Million Bucks in her "Nutri System" Ads!!

Thanks for awakening my fond memories from the past! Love, Paula

Nell Rose (author) from England on Baronial xiv, 2016:

Thank you Audrey, wow I didn't realise that you had sung on the aforementioned stage! How amazing! I am goin on stage this yr and then really nervous! lol!

Audrey Hunt from Pahrump NV on August 14, 2016:

Hi Nell

I'm back again for a 2nd read about the 1-and-merely Donny Osmond. I actually performed on the same phase and for the same venue as Donny years ago. It was a television receiver telethon to raise coin for a children's cancer benefit.

Donny's all-time performance (in my opinion) was his office as Joseph in the Broadway production of 'Joseph and the Astonishing Colored Dreamcoat."

I love the photos y'all've selected for your hub. "Puppy Love" volition always linger in my memories as Donnys best.

Thanks in one case over again for this entertaining and fabulous hub. Sharing.



Nell Rose (writer) from England on May 31, 2016:

Hi Say Aye, wow! I would treasure that besides! He is amazing isn't he? thanks so much for reading, nell

Yoleen Lucas from Large Island of Hawaii on May 31, 2016:

A friend of mine saw The Osmonds in concert in the early 70s, and she said at one point, Donny looked straight at her. That is a retentivity to exist treasured forever!

Donny has done really well. He is however married to his first wife; they have five sons. Several years back, his oldest son married and they had their kickoff child, a girl. Donny said, "Finally! Ain't it fourth dimension!". Every bit you know, he came from a family with nine kids, and Marie was the merely girl.

Nell Rose (author) from England on May 08, 2016:

lol! sounds similar you were a large fan similar me! the only deviation is that I never got to get meet them unfortunately, thanks so much flourish!

FlourishAnyway from USA on May 07, 2016:

This brought dorsum one-time memories of playing his albums and watching the Donnie and Marie Show every Friday night! I even went to a concert with my dad and owned Donnie and Marie dolls.

Nell Rose (author) from England on April 09, 2016:

Thank you Paula, no nosotros don't get him over here much these days, and as for Marie I oasis't seen her in years, just brings back memories, those were the days! lol!

Nell Rose (author) from England on April 09, 2016:

Thanks Linda, yep many years agone I choked on a carrot! LOL! merely I still love him, he is smashing isn't he? cheers every bit always, nell

Suzie from Carson City on April 08, 2016:

Donny Osmond was ever a cutey.....and he & Marie had a fun TV show for a while. She turned into a gorgeous woman.....(lots of surgery, coin & make-up) I oasis't seen Donny in a long time.

Proficient hub, Nell!

Linda Bilyeu from Orlando, FL on Apr 08, 2016:

Awww! This brings dorsum fun memories. I was a big fan of Puppy Honey. A friend of mine and I were singing "I'one thousand a little fleck state, he'due south a little chip rock and curl..." just yesterday!! :)

Nell Rose (author) from England on Apr 08, 2016:

HI Shyron, thanks for reading, yes he was lovely back and so wasn't he? glad you lot liked information technology, nell

Shyron Eastward Shenko from Texas on Apr 08, 2016:

Awe Nell, who wasn't in love with Donnie? You can include me and all the men loved Marie.

The videos I did enjoy and the conjured up more memories than I tin handle for today, that ways I will be back to read this over again to listen to the videos over again.

Blessings and hugs my dearest friend.

Nell Rose (writer) from England on Apr 08, 2016:

Cheers Audrey, yes he was my first love! LOL! glad yous liked information technology, nell

Audrey Hunt from Pahrump NV on Apr 08, 2016:

What a fabulous photo of Donny (top of the page). This hub is full of fun facts and videos about one of my favorite singers. He was amazing on Broadway in "Joseph and the colored dream coat."

Big thanks Nell! Sharing.

Nell Rose (writer) from England on March 08, 2016:

lol! Howdy Shauna, yes I told him! he sort of grunted, grinned and said ah well! LOL! cheers for reading, and yes Donny was so cute!

Shauna Fifty Bowling from Central Florida on March 07, 2016:

Don't y'all just want to run your fingers through that gorgeous head of pilus?!

I nonetheless retrieve all the words to "Puppy Dear", only didn't realize it until I establish myself singing along. Goodness, he didn't sound like his hormones had kicked in enough to know that tum-tingling feeling nosotros all remember and so well!

Nell, does your husband realize he'south your Donny Wanna Be? Ha ha. I'll never tell!

Nell Rose (author) from England on March 05, 2016:

LOL! thank you Peggy! yeah those carrots! thanks for reading, nell

Peggy Wood from Houston, Texas on March 04, 2016:

Donny Osmond was a cute kid and has turned into a very good looking man besides. I am withal smile over that rather tearing reaction you had when first spotting him on television. Glad you lot did not end your life at that moment considering of choking on a carrot. :)) Pinning to my Interesting People lath and will besides share.

Nell Rose (author) from England on March 03, 2016:

Yes of course! allow my people go! I forgot about that! LOL! and yeah y'all got that totally right! the smell, the terror, oh how lovely were the 70s! cheers for the laugh Besarien!

Besarien from South Florida on March 03, 2016:

Hello NellRose! This hub is such a smash from the by for me! So many memories. I endemic Puppy Love. It had Let My People Go on the flipside which is why a family member gave it to me for my birthday in 1972. I remember a friend from school named Penny who wore purple socks in Donny'south honor. She and I choreographed a really silly dance routine to Puppy Love in my sister's full length mirror to entertain ourselves on a rainy day that summer, probably 1973. I can smell the musty citrus funk of Diorella which I'g pretty certain my sister used to bathe in when she bathed at all. I remember couple skating in one case with a really beautiful boy to The 12th of Never. Everybody smelled similar Ten o Six lotion and Bonnie Bell Lip Smackers so that was probably well-nigh 1974. The seventies were so much fun when they weren't completely terrifying.

Nell Rose (author) from England on February 27, 2016:

Thanks Deb, he certainly was!

Deb Hirt from Stillwater, OK on February 27, 2016:

I think if you grew up with The Osmonds, Donny was your secret beat out.

Nell Rose (writer) from England on Feb twenty, 2016:

Thanks Frank, just browsing down my memories! lol!

Frank Atanacio from Shelton on Feb 20, 2016:

A great share Nell Rose, I didnt know who Donny Osmond was, just I utubed some of the songs you listed... very overnice :)

Nell Rose (author) from England on Feb 17, 2016:

Hi Jewels, thanks, I simply suddenly saw him in my listen and thought, aw I used to love him! lol! cheers for reading, nell

Jewels from Australia on February 17, 2016:

Well well well Nell! Memories and time associations of my teenage years. So timely on Valentines Day to kick. Think this hub will do very well with the baby boomers. :)

Nell Rose (author) from England on Feb 17, 2016:

Aw thanks Shyron, yeah every girls dream, memories! lol! thank you for reading, nell

Shyron Due east Shenko from Texas on Feb 17, 2016:

Nell, I don't think I missed an episode of Donnie and Marie. Donnie was probably every trivial girl's dream.

Thank you for sharing each and every song.

Blessings and hugs

Nell Rose (author) from England on February 17, 2016:

Cheers Chitrangada, always lovely to run across y'all, and yes Donny was and is still gorgeous!

Nell Rose (author) from England on February 17, 2016:

Hi Vellur, he was around in the 70s but even so very pop today, thanks as always, nell

Chitrangada Sharan from New Delhi, India on Feb 17, 2016:

Then overnice of you lot to share this dear story on Valentine's Day. It is a beautiful tribute to Donny Osmond, bringing back the loving memories. It is great that Donny is as successful now as always and and so good looking also.

The songs you listed are and then appropriate for Valentine's twenty-four hour period.

Keen hub and thanks for sharing!

Nithya Venkat from Dubai on February 16, 2016:

Donny Osmond is new to me, I have heard Cliff Richards though. Thank you for the introduction.

Nell Rose (author) from England on Feb 15, 2016:

Thanks DDE, glad y'all liked it, nell

Howdy John, it was 'Morning side of the mountain' He sang it with Marie, nifty vocal! and thanks as e'er, nell

Nell Rose (author) from England on Feb 15, 2016:

Hi Alicia, yep he had the most gorgeous smiling didn't he? ah memories! lol! thanks for reading, nell

John Hansen from Gondwana Land on Feb 15, 2016:

Cracking hub Nell, bringing back the memories and it is great that Donny is as successful now as e'er and still a proficient looking guy. I acknowledge to liking his songs specially those he sang with Marie who I had a vanquish on :)

What was that song "Other side of the Mountain" or something? Thanks for sharing.

Devika Primić from Dubrovnik, Croatia on February fifteen, 2016:

Valentines twenty-four hour period is such a love day. The songs you lot listed here are good also.

Linda Crampton from British Columbia, Canada on February 14, 2016:

Thanks for sharing the memories, Nell. The characteristic that I remember best about Donny Osmond is his earlier career was his lovely smile. I absolutely loved the Romeo and Juliet movie that you mentioned!

Nell Rose (writer) from England on February xiv, 2016:

Hello Ruby, yep those shows were amazing! I don't recollect in that location are any like information technology now, thanks for reading, nell

Nell Rose (author) from England on Feb xiv, 2016:

Thanks MsDora, yes a bit tongue in cheek so to speak, lol! but true back then, nell

Ruby Jean Richert from Southern Illinois on February 14, 2016:

I think Donny well, and I loved all his songs. He and Marie await so much akin. I loved their prove. Ah the practiced old times when variety shows were the best. Cheers for the memories and videos.

Dora Weithers from The Caribbean on February xiv, 2016:

Nell, sweet of you to share this love story on Valentine'due south Solar day. Yeah, Donny is still handsome and what a beautiful tribute to him!

Nell Rose (author) from England on February 14, 2016:

lol! thank you billy, yep a long time ago, I choked on a carrot! LOL! wasn't it lovely being kids?

Bill Holland from Olympia, WA on February 14, 2016:

Wow, yous are actually going back into the musical athenaeum for this i. He was an oddity considering the musical landscape when he was singing.....and yet he was popular. Personally I was much more fond of Marie. :)

Nell Rose (author) from England on February xiv, 2016:

lol! cheers Glimmer! yes me also! I was singing them all evening yesterday as I was writing this! In fact the singing took over from the writing!

Nell Rose (writer) from England on February fourteen, 2016:

Hi Martie, yes you lot have put that exactly the way I was thinking! and yes it makes me cry too, for those reasons. I would love to be dorsum in that location, and feel those feelings of magic of the future, with the excitement that comes with knowing yous have it all in forepart of you lot, have a wonderful Valentines Twenty-four hour period.

Claudia Mitchell on February xiv, 2016:

Male child do these songs have me dorsum and put a smile on my face up. My husband is going to curlicue his eyes when I start singing "Puppy Love" today! Happy Valentine's 24-hour interval.

Martie Coetser from South Africa on Feb 13, 2016:

Auw. Donny Osmond.... and his sis Mary! I was so in love with him. My wardrobe and bedroom door were lined with posters of him. (We were not immune to put any posters on the walls!) Whenever I hear one of his songs today, I cry. Of course, I mourn the passing of my youth and innocence. That listening to music, flat on my back or breadbasket, alone or in the company of friends, with only dreams in my eye, auw, what will I give to have all of that dorsum :)

Thanks, Nell, for making me call back how wonderful it was to be a immature teenager in honey with Donny Osmond. May you have an awesome Valentines Day :)


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