Chef Ramsay Twine Around Beef Loin

More than a dish, veal roast is a metaphor. It means home, Sunday, family. For this prepare a perfect veal roast it's a mission of love. But it is not an easy task at all. The errors are always around the corner: from the cooking time to the cut to choose. For this reason the first suggestion is to arm yourself with a lot of patience and do an accurate field research to discover the best meat supplier. Discover how to cook veal roast following the advice of Salt and pepper!

How to choose the best cut of meat

For a dish so important in the Italian culinary tradition, things cannot be left to chance. For example, when it comes to deciding which one meat cutting choose to prepare the veal roast, you have two roads in front of you: trust your butcher or play it safe and ask for the codon. This is the ideal part of the beef to prepare this dish because the meat remains very soft and is easy to cut.

172801Another cut that may be suitable for this preparation is the veal shoulder, said walker. Even it rump, the fesa and the magatello they adapt well to become excellent roasts. If you are not able to do it, have the meat tied by the butcher with food string. Once at home, place a sprig of rosemary and some sage leaves between twine and meat. Be careful with the fat it is one of the most important parts to be evaluated when buying meat and absolutely must not be without it. Above all, never eliminate the fat from the piece of meat you are going to cook: its presence is essential in the browning phase, when it must give all its flavor to the muscle.

How much meat for 4, 6, 8, 12 people

Now that you have chosen the right cut, find out how much meat you need depending on the number of guests you want to feed. For four or six people, you can prepare the veal roast with a piece of variable weight between 600 grams and 1 kilogram. Go up to 1.5 kg if people are eight, it reaches 2 kg if your table will welcome twelve people.

How to cook the roast

Whatever cooking method you choose, to cook a perfect veal roast you will first need to proceed to searing. This step is essential before baking. There are those who shorten the time and propose a faster version of this preparation technique, inviting them to cook the meat directly in the oven, better to avoid. Indeed our advice for a soft and juicy veal roast it is to seal the meat well, making it brown in a pan with a little oil, before passing it in the oven. Beware of a very dangerous mistake that few consider: never roast cold, just taken out of the fridge. The meat may have a thermal shock and harden.

Once this obstacle has been overcome, another myth must be dispelled: the roast does not require biblical cooking times. If you have a ventilated oven, 30 minutes at 180 ° C are sufficient for small pieces. If you have little time, bring the temperature to 200 ° C and decrease the time the meat stays in the oven. THE cooking times they depend fundamentally on the size of the piece of meat and its own tastes, for approximately well-cooked meat it can be calculated approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes per kg.

To understand if the veal roast is ready, you can use a very useful meat thermometer, which will test the core cooking temperature. The calf is "pink" when it is at 60 ° C, at the point at 68 ° C and well cooked at 75 ° C.

Roasted veal roast

For to cook roast veal roast start by preparing the meat. After bringing it to room temperature, remember to pull it out of the fridge at least 30 minutes before browning, massage it well with salt and then put the rosemary between the food string and the meat. If the butcher has worked well, between the meat and the string there will also be slices of lard or bacon, which will add that extra touch of flavor and softness.

Preheat the oven, bringing the temperature to 200 ° C. While the oven reaches the right heat, take care of browning the veal roast in a large saucepan in which you have heated 3 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil or a bit of butter. As soon as the sauce is hot, add the meat and brown it over medium heat, turning it on all sides with 2 wooden spoons or two scoops. Fundamental: never puncture the meat with a fork. Add with half a glass of white wine and let it evaporate over a high heat.

At this point transfer the roast into a pan from oven. Add celery, carrot, onion cut into pieces, rosemary , sage and pepper. Put everything in the preheated oven and cook for 1 hour, taking care to turn the meat from time to time. Sprinkle it with its cooking juices, to which you will alternate a few tablespoons of boiling broth.

172813Once the cooking time is over, check the heart temperature: must be about 68-70 ° C. If you do not have a thermometer, use a toothpick, taking care to reach the heart. If the juice that comes out is transparent, without red or pinkish traces, then the veal roast is ready. At this point the roast is baked and covered with gods aluminum sheets to make it rest for 10-15 minutes at the most.

A trick that can embellish your veal roast is in the napping with a sauce prepared with the cooking sauce. Take all that is left in the baking pan – celery, onions and carrots – and put everything in a saucepan. Dry and remove the fats that will surface. Add 10 grams of cornstarch and cook for 2 minutes. Then wet the mix with a glass of wine. Before it has evaporated completely, add water or broth: in this way you will be able to effectively remove the whole cooking surface. Cook until it has become a sauce. Filter e serve the sauce with meat.

Roast veal in a pan or casserole

If you don't feel like using the oven, know that you can cook the veal roast in a pan or in casserole. The fundamental step in this case is to "seal" the meat during browning with a bottom of butter and oil. In this way, passing the meat at room temperature into the mix of animal and vegetable fats, the will be produced Maillard reaction: a nice crust will wrap the meat and its juices.

In the pot also add all the vegetable needed. Then, after browning with the passage in white wine, cooking begins. As the cooking surface dries, add a couple of ladles of vegetable broth and cook for about 1 hour over low heat, covering the pot with the lid. Don't forget your veal roast on the stove and always check the state of the cooking juices. At the end of cooking, let the meat rest a little and then cut the slices. Before serving, immerse them in the sauce of the bottom of cooking to give your veal roast a unique flavor.

Veal roast in a pressure cooker

You can also cook your veal roast in a pressure cooker. After preparing the sauté, brown the meat in the pot in order to seal the surface and create the protective crust. Add a little water or broth, so that the roast cooks thanks to the steam and the air present in the pressure cooker.

With this tool you can cook in a healthy and tasty way, optimizing times. Often the pressure cooker is used to prepare the roast base for the vitello tonnato .

Veal roast with Thermomix

Cooking the veal roast with Thermomix is ​​possible: enough place the piece of meat on the blades and let it cook with the cooking bottom for 60 minutes at Varoma temperature. You can also cook the potatoes, placing them on the tray of the Varoma.

Secrets for soft and juicy meat

Among the secrets not to be forgotten to get a roast veal with soft and juicy meat one concerns the salt. According to the great kitchen professionals, salt should never be added to raw meat to avoid hardening it.

If you like strong flavors, to prepare yours perfect veal roast our advice is to massage the piece of meat before cooking with a mince of herbs or some untreated citrus peel or some spice. In this way the flavor of the aromas will penetrate the fibers very effectively.

Another mistake to be very careful if you do not want to compromise the softness of veal is the respect of cooking times. Remember: the more the meat is cooked, the harder it will be. In addition, when cooking is finished it is best not to hurry to cut the slices for your guests. There meat in fact must be left to rest. Once extracted from the oven, wrap it in the still very hot foil, and let it cool down like this. In this way it will preserve its natural moisture, remaining soft and tasty.

How to cook roast with potatoes

Let's start with the basic concept: it is the roast that must be added to the potatoes being cooked and not vice versa. To prepare theroast veal with potatoes, wash them, dry them, peel them and then cut them into pieces, taking care that the pieces are all the same size.

172810Pour them potato wedges in a bowl and adjust to oil, salt and pepper, adding, as desired, a clove of peeled garlic and a sprig of rosemary or a bunch of sage leaves to flavor it all. Stir well and transfer the seasoned potatoes to a baking tray or a large oiled oven dish. Bake in a preheated oven in static mode at 200 ° C for about 20 minutes, meanwhile dedicated to the roast. When you have finished browning the piece of meat in a casserole dish, transfer it to the drip pan or oven dish in which you are cooking the potatoes. Continue cooking both until the heart of the roast reaches 68-70 ° C.


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